quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2009

Squid : using LDAP groups to validate users access

Simple guide to show how one can use LDAP groups to set some acl's on Squid proxy.

All you'll have to do is edit the squid.conf file and add these entries:

external_acl_type ldapgroup %LOGIN /usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_group -b "ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=local" -f "(&(cn=%g)(memberUid=%u))" -h ldap_server

Create a new external acl which validates if a user belongs to a ldap group

acl ldapgroup-domainallowed external ldapgroup google_allowed

This acl will validate if the user belongs to the group google_allowed. Notice that one could set multiple acl like this one, but to check other ldap groups.

acl domain_allow dstdomain google.com

Example of an acl which checks the domain destination

http_access deny domain_allow !ldapgroup-domainallowed

With this you'll only allow access to google to users which belong to group google_allowed

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